
About the Play

A North Pole Christmas Comedy in Two Acts

Contains: Adult language, themes and situations.


Santa Claus has transformed the toy factory into a thriving business.
But his success in the corporate world has caused him to neglect his marriage.
Mrs. Claus tries to reignite their flame. But when that fails she pursues an alternative lifestyle.

Cast Of Characters

Mrs. Claus

A mature woman who feels younger than her years. Once a grandmother figure to North Pole residents,
she has become dissatisfied with her marriage and seeks a more fulfilling life.

Santa Claus

Very busy keeping his toy factory in operation. So focused on his career that he neglects his wife.

Bjorn the Elf

Santa’s head elf who supervises the other factory workers.
He has latent romantic feelings that are waiting to be expressed.

Rudolph the Randy Reindeer

Resulting from his fame as Santa’s lead reindeer, he has become self-centered and only
considers the lives of others to the extent that they can fulfill his sexual desires.

*Store Owner

The owner of a lingerie store.


A tabloid reporter trying to write an expose.

(*same actor)


Brief exterior scene before curtains rise.
Claus family residence for the majority of the play.

Basic conceptual design of main setting.

Listen to the Original Christmas Carol

Written and Produced by Michael Manchester.
Singer Elana Harte.


About the Author

Michael Manchester graduated from the film program at
Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University).
Attending many theatrical productions provided an appreciation
for the immediacy of live theater for both performer and audience.
Since Cougar Claus takes place in one location,
there were obvious advantages to writing a stageplay.
This is his first theatrical production.

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